
Design++ leverages the strengths and expertise of a growing network of professors, senior scientists, post-doctoral fellows and staff from ETH Zürich.

The organizational structure includes an advisory board, an active steering committee, an executive office, along with a growing faculty network and members. 

Advisory Board

The Advisory Board provides strategic insights from the Departments of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Computer Science.

Executive Office

The Executive Office is comprised of the Executive Director who is responsible for the operations of the center and the Senior Researchers co-​lead the research and teaching activities along with the infrastructure relate to the Immersive Design Lab and the Large-​scale Virtualization and Modeling Lab.

Affiliated Researchers

The Affiliated Researchers include all researchers who support ongoing research and teaching activities affiliated with Design++.   


Steering Committee

The Steering Committee provides regular leadership and direction for the research center. Once the new faculty joins, she/he will also join the Design++ steering committee.

Faculty Network

The Design++ Faculty Network is a growing cohort of ETH faculty from across numerous departments who create and foster the knowledge ecosystem at ETH. 

aixsummit team
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